Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Change in plans for RennFest this weekend...

Hey guys, hope everyone had a really great Labor Day weekend. I had a fantastic time & got to see all kinds of people I hadn’t in a good while, not only at the party on Fri.night, but at the gatherings throughout the rest of the weekend. Between my birthday party, ‘Dark Knight’ at the IMAX, a barbeque, and a hysterical matchstick poker game, I’d say it was probably the best weekend I’ve had in a long time.

All right, so, last weekend I mentioned getting people together this Saturday for Irish weekend at RennFest. These plans have changed slightly due to everyone’s varying scheduling needs (i.e. brew fests, work, family obligations, etc.)

Therefore we are still going to Faire this weekend, however everyone is now getting together to go on Sunday, as opposed to Saturday. If you’re able/still able (considering the change of day) to show, lovely, it’d be great to see you out there. Other than that, just drop me a line/give me a call if you should have any questions. :) Hope to see you out there.

More later.


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