Monday, December 29, 2008

Obviously there are at least a few things that are very wrong with me...

All right, so apparently nonsensical, downright off-kilter crap is not only contagious, but practically genetic/familial BECAUSE this time I did not find the following gems on my own. These "treasures" were actually brought to my attention by the youngest of my four siblings (Peej being 19 & Kell @ 14) very, very late on Christmas night. I cannot possibly express (without video documentation) how gleefully proud they were of themselves when they found these & thought to present them to me, sneaking downstairs far after both their bedtimes to make me watch them, having a good idea how much I'd pretty much hurt myself laughing at the bloody things, not because the following videos are that fantastic but because they made NO FREAKIN' SENSE in such a manner that they knew I'd crack right the Hell up going, "WHAT THE F$#&?!" and crying a little on the inside.

Part of me is really very proud of the two of them for being so young & yet having such a collaborative knack for finding something strangely comical that suits any one, odd individual so perfectly. The other part of me is rather a bit ashamed of myself for having assisted in raising them (at least during their formative years when Mom & Dad were both working full-time) as if they are from freakin' space, thinking this kind of shit is hilarious because now they'll have to find their own crew of ...(ahem)...loving, caring people whose fingers won't immediately itch for indelible ink & the commitment papers when one giggles endlessly @ such ricockulousness wonderfully "accepting" friends, which are not easy to come by.

I've all ready subjected the residents of the ALL Tower to this nonsense and followed it swiftly earlier this morning by hurting poor Katiedid's brain a little when I asked her to watch all three. (She was really very kind about it, but I think only because she's a very nice person & I made her a vat of the stew she loves so much beforehand.)

All this said, there are curse words & NSFW aplenty throughout two of the three following ("Dr Tran's Quiet Log Time" is really the only safe-for-work one & the shortest, for that matter), though I did make sure I listed the censored version of the first video. (By the way, in case you can't hear/understand everything in the first video, being "The Furious Little Cinnamon Bun", do wait for the sum-up just after the first roll of the credits.)

Also, if anything is considered that F'd & weird, you may chalk it up to my YouTube revenge on Debbar for posting that FROM HELL video of Jr. Sr. & the teat-suckling which I shall NEVER be able to scrub from my brain, even with bleach and fire GOD HELP ME. (Madam, I love ya, but really all of space.)

The Furious Little Cinnamon Bun

Dr. Tran's Quiet Log Time

Dr. Tran - Here Come Dr. Tran!

More later (God help you).


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