Saturday, July 5, 2008

7 random things I'm thinking about at the moment...

  1. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m going to again: The Brad Sucks album has become one of my absolute favorite driving-home-late pieces of music. If I don’t hit too many lights on the drive & there’s not much traffic, it runs the perfect length o/time to drive from 509 to Vienna, walk from the car to the house, and *just* cross the threshold without skipping a single song. Sometimes this feels a little bit magical.

  2. The Lifetime channel is showing Christmas movies in July. This is both ridiculous & fired. Lifetime was likely created for those who simply can’t get enough terrible daytime TV, and is really just a cross between truly awful soap operas & after-school specials for adults. For people with those kinds of needs, however, there is now a whole channel that shows outdated, poorly written shows all day long, all the time, forever. Pfft.

    ...having said this, I freely admit that I *still* check it regularly while channel surfing.

  3. I’ve had a grand total of 5.5 hours sleep in the last 2 days. Night before last this was due to an inability to stay asleep past 3.5 hours. Last night it was my own damned fault because I stayed up @ 509, then got up early on purpose. Was invited to watch a movie back at the Reston apt.w/Katie & Nicholas last night, but I didn’t feel okay driving yet considering the alcohol & my severe lack of sleep lately. Decided to take a nap for a couple hours before going home to be on the safe side (worked like a charm), then got up at 5a, loaded my stuff into the car, & helped Maam pick up a metric fuck-ton of fireworks refuse left in the road of the cul-de-sac. It’d be way more impressive if I said something like, “Keeping the streets clean...for AMERICA!” but really it was just me in yesterday’s clothes, sweeping the street with a broom, & Maam in a nightgown with a plastic bag, putting away whatever I was able to shuffle over to the curb.

    After over an hour of this we decided things were good enough. She gave me a hug before I left, but both of us were so gross & sticky from being out in the hot, lightly raining weather for so long that it was sort of an “Aw!” moment, immediately followed by an, “Ew, gih!” moment as ea.o/us quickly pulling back & shared mutual, albeit amused, disgust with our yucktacular states.

  4. Last night Debbie said she referenced our last 3 hr., multi-store grocery excursion & my love for all things culinary by telling someone, “E. shops for groceries like other women shop for shoes!”

    I thought the way she put it was pretty keen. Also it makes me sound like a little less of a complete fattie than saying something like, “Oh my God, she spends *hours* in food stores. HOURS I tell you!” ::laughs::

  5. (This is a girly complaint you can totally skip if you like...) I am not friends with my ovaries right now. They are terrible, wretched little monsters that hurt me in my hurting place for no good reason. If they continue to misbehave so atrociously & wreak havoc on me in this fashion, I’m going to divorce them due to irreconcilable differences & an abusive relationship. ::looks in direction of said organs:: Did you hear that you little jerks? Keep this up & we’re going to have a very specific conversation involving a knife and an ice cream scoop. I feel kind of like I’m stuck babysitting someone else’s ill-raised, very poorly behaved toddlers, and I can’t kick them out, and I don’t know when they’re going home.

  6. It is raining & dreary & beautiful outside right now. I think it’s lovely, and if it weren’t for the fact that it’s so humid and warm, I’d be out in the rain. Instead, I believe I’ll try to spend as much of the day as possible in pajamas, looking out the window on occasion, watching movies, & getting lost in other people’s fictitious lives.

  7. In keeping with the tangent theme of this post, whenever you’re having a rough time of things & find yourself grasping at straws to keep your hopes up, try to remind yourself that things could likely be worse. You could be:

    • On fire.

    • Afflicted with some terrible sort of crotch-rot.

    • This guy. I mean...damn.

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