Friday, July 4, 2008

I like my women like I like my coffee...covered in (nano)bees!

A couple weeks ago I came back to the house after a long day of tromping around outside viewing some rooms & apt.’s, running errands, etc. Took my shoes off, started a pot of coffee, noticed no one else was around, then got on my computer. A little while later I got up, got a cup of coffee, and was returning to my computer when I saw a really tiny dot on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and make sure it wasn’t a stain or some such (it’s a light carpet) when I realized it was *not* a piece of random was a bee. Not a normal size bee, mind you, but what looked like a super-dinky-teeny-tiny version of a common yellow jacket, probably about 1 cm.long. Likely the tiniest bee I’ve ever seen.

Now first off, the thing was obviously either severely stunned or dead (it was just sort of lying there on its side, no damage to the body). Decided after a few seconds on squishing it to make certain of the latter. Said to myself, “That’s weird,” flushed it down the toilet, made sure there wasn’t any mess left behind, then got back to what I was doing. I mean I was wearing cuffed jeans that day, and there weren’t any windows open while I was out, so I figured it could’ve just been stuck in my cuff at some point during the day, then fallen out when I got home. Either way, aside from mentioning it to (who promptly called it a nanobee) & wishing I’d thought to take a picture before I crushed it, I didn’t really think about it.

Early, early this morning I got out o/bed briefly to grab my bottle of water from the kitchen and retrieve my lip balm from the living room when I noticed a dot on the living room floor. Turned on the light & bent down to see...ANOTHER COMATOSE/DECEASED NANOBEE.

What.the.Hell? Seriously? I feel like I’m in some sort of weird, ‘Blair Witch Project’ involving tiny, angry insects. Somehow I’ve pissed off an itty-bitty Queen around here so now, every so often, she sacrifices one of the hive to the living room floor when no one else is about, usually eliciting something along the lines of, “...what the...what the Hell is that?” from yours truly.

This time, however, I grabbed my camera phone & a bobby pin for size reference & took a picture.

Nanobee vs.Bobby Pin. Both are small, BUT WHO SHALL WIN?!

And here are a couple more failed attempts at clearer close-ups that actually ended up fuzzier...

See? Tiny isn’t it? The way it's positioned, with one wee little leg bent & lifted, I kind of imagine it suffering a massive coronary in the middle of can-can practice or a kung fu lesson.

::performed in a very tiny, buzzing voice:: "HIIIII-Y...ECH-!!!" ::clunk::

I don’t know, I’ve looked around the house & haven’t seen any place they could be coming from. We don’t keep windows or doors hanging open, I’ve looked around the house & not found anyplace where they’d really be coming from, and I’m not a beekeeper, so no clue really. Maybe a vent? Either way, should mention it to Freddie, obviously. Could be just a fluke, but just in case...ATTACK OF THE NANOBEES!!!

More later.


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