Friday, January 9, 2009


Afternoon, everyone. Today's been pretty slammed thus far, but the über-boss is only in for a couple hours today, so every so often I've a few minutes to type something up in Notepad then copy & post it later. Today's topic (unsurprisingly, really) is food. (Yes, damn it, I failed the breakfast challenge AGAIN this morning, walking out the door with neither the Cheerios I just bought nor the quart of milk sitting in my fridge.)
  1. Debbar sent me a recipe this morning, which made me curious, so I attempted to look up possible variations of this idea (pretty much resulting solely in drinks & WoW "recipes"), which *eventually* led me to THIS recipe and now the whole idea of making gigantimammoth stews makes me want to cook & eat a small chunk of Africa. It's a big place, there are lots of animals, I'm pretty sure they won't miss it.

  2. This recipe and a couple others I came across obviously got me thinking about what rhino, elephant, warthog & guinea fowl might taste like. However as those aren’t exactly close to home, I wonder what the difference in taste, texture, and preparation might be for rabbit as opposed to hare. Can anyone answer this? There a lot of running culinary jokes on teh intarwebz about “not wanting hare in your food”, but I was curious whether or not there was a real reason such as its taste behind it or if it was just the obvious play on words.

  3. I keep getting ghost wafts of IPA around here, which is distracting even for someone that's not really into IPAs. No clue what that's about, but it's making me thirsty.

  4. A friend of mine posted something in her journal about this, so I’m cross-posting because it amuses me. Burger King has instituted an application that's used on Facebook that encourages one to ditch ten friends at a time on the site by offering to reward them with a Whopper. Each time a Facebook friend is dumped, the application sends a message to the rejected individual that declares food is stronger than friendship. As if that's amusing enough, BK's "Sacrifice" site is keeping a running tally of the number of sacrifices that have been made. Links with more info.about this are here & here.

  5. Speaking of BK, did you know they've come out with something called the "Angry Whopper"? I *thought* I saw an ad for that on a BK the other day but thought I misread it while driving past.
Now I go back to work where apparently *everyone* today thinks that whatever they want me to do is a big, honking emergency that needs to be done RIGHTNOWOMG (like printing a label for a, seriously ::wry chuckle::). So glad people are heading to Iguana tonight. :)

More later.


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