Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial...

Among the many things that make me happy, for those who didn't all ready know, are things that smell nice. To be specific I collect scented oils, both the kind one can use as perfume and the kind used in some sort of diffuser to make a room smell nice. Personally I'm not big on flowery scents (I also don't wear them very well) and am more into the opposite end of the spectrum. Scents of smoky things, spices, green things or clean laundry. I also love odd combinations that might not appeal to most. As examples, head over to the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab site (LOVE that place) & check out the ingredients of the following scents:
  • Aelopile
  • Azathoth
  • Cthulu
  • Jabberwocky
  • Miskatonic University
  • No. 93 Engine
  • Phoenix Steamworks
  • The Deep Ones
  • The Lion
  • The Mad Hatter
  • The Music of Erich Zahn
  • Wrath
  • Y'Ha-Nthlei
Well *now*, apparently, there is another scent I get to lust after.


That's right, Zydrate does, in fact, come in a little glass vial (appropriately blue) complete with GeneCo prescription label. Starborn Alchemy is offering an exclusive perfume from the creators of 'Repo! The Genetic Opera' which has been created specially for the 3rd Repo! Road Tour. At $25/bottle the scent is being offered for a limited time only, from January 13th to January 24th. The proceeds from the sales go to benefit the Repo! Road Tour 3 to help cover flights and hotels. The ingredients (which sound like a lovely combination to me) include musk, cederwood atlas, lemon, clary sage, French lavender, vanilla, eucalyptus, clove & cinnamon.

Want.want.WANT. Holy crow.

More later.


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