Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holy Hannah, SNOOOOOOOOOOW!!! :D

I am terribly excited about a couple things right now:
  1. IT'S FINALLY SNOWING OUTSIDE! THISISAWESOMEHOORAY! ::bounces up & down in office chair, while staring gleefully out the window @ swirling snow:: I can't even properly TELL you how excited I am about bundling up & going outside to play in this once enough accumulates to do so. (And yes, I know it likely won't today, I'm just sayin'.) I want to go sledding! Also I want to jump into a gigantic drift of snow/push someone else into one, mainly because it doesn't hurt & makes a rather soft "FWUMP" sound, which makes me giggle.

  2. Wings tonight, YUM. I've been looking forward to this all week (I had no ideas wings could be so addictive) apparently so much that I dreamt of wings last night. In my dream our normal place had a menu o/wing choices like Brickskeller's beer list. It was AWESOME. Very happy dream, but I woke up really hungry...

  3. ...which is not helped by the fact that I'm still really suckin' @ this whole "breakfast" thing I keep hearing about. Really need to do something about that, like do what Debbar suggested & keep milk & cereal @ work.
That is all for now. More later.


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