Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I'm trying to eat a bit better of late & it's a slow process, but I'm working on it. However I must say, it is *really* Goddamned difficult to make a healthier food choice for oneself when:
  1. One has been drinking gratuitous amounts of coffee all morning.

  2. One fails to pack a lunch for the day.

  3. One is left alone to guard the office for several hours (spanning over lunchtime, of course) while anyone else who could do so buggers off for hours on end without telling one where they went or when they *might* be returning.

  4. One's current emergency stock of food includes 2 ramen bricks, a bottle of water, a bottle of Mountain Dew & a bag of 'Sweet Hot Chili' Doritos.

  5. ...and one is left, intensely hungry, in said office with an ever-expanding collection of tempting little takeout menus.
::sighs:: Hell's bells.

More later.


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