Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things, stuff, words & whatnot...

  1. My friend, Joey, has been discussing healthier living lately & trying to eat more vegetarian food as a part of this. I've never really gone out of my way to try specifically vegetarian stuff before (nothing against it, it's just never been on my list of things to do) but he piqued my interest when he told me that MorningStar Farms' "Chik'n Nuggets" tasted just like the real thing. Last night I was hungry & didn't really feel like cooking, so I opted to hit the store instead so I could try a couple things from the "Healthy Eating" (a.k.a. vegetarian) section. I finally decided on "Chik'n Nuggets" & "Broccoli Cheddar Veggie Bites". I'll try more later, but figured I'd start w/these:

    • MorningStar's "Chik'n Nuggets"

      Joey was right, they did taste just like actual chicken nuggets, didn't even need gobs of ketchup or anything. I'll be getting these again.

    • MorningStar's "Broccoli Cheddar Veggie Bites"

      OH.MY.GOD. Let me preface this by saying I kind of have a thing about most things involving green veggies & cheese. THESE were SO good. It was nigh on impossible for me not to eat all the ones in the box in one sitting, seriously. Luckily for me I only baked a little o/ea. o/my choices at a time & saved the rest for later.

  2. I am uncomfortably tired today for some unknown reason & therefore having a Hellish time concentrating on actual work...again. I've really got to do something about this. Maybe taking regular vitamins again would assist?

  3. I am also intensely hungry & vaguely concerned that once my food gets here I might actually try to stuff an entire gyro in my face while planning what to consume next, possibly including office supplies & co-workers. I really need to make it a point to eat breakfast in the morning. This is ridiculous.

  4. I think if you’ve not yet seen 'Hamlet 2' you should really get on that because it's awfully funny & you are missing out.

  5. Speaking of movies, I just saw an ad for the new 'Underworld Number Whatever-The-Hell' that's apparently coming out on Jan.23rd. I had no idea another was in production let alone coming out soon. Is anyone else planning on seeing this? I don't even care if the movie's any good, I'd just go because Kate Beckinsale's gorgeous & I get to see her kicking ass in slick boots, latex, corsets & leather. :)
More later.


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